One-stop solution for beehives

We are a honey provider. The producers of honey have been and shall always be our good friends, the honey bees. We simply harvest pure honey in its most natural form and deliver it to your doorstep without adding anything.No changes,No processing.

Processed honey destroys the nutritional contents. We don’t process your honey, we simply harvest it. That way, the honey you get from YUMMATIC HONEY loaded with enzymes, nutrients and vitamins!

We have developed an apiary ecosystem that is beneficial for the bees, the farmers, and of course you, the consumer. Using this process across 500+ bee colonies or more than 4000 bee hives, we harvest raw honey from multiple flower sources.

Contact us

Harvesting honey has never been easier

YUMMATIC HONEY would love to make this an all-inclusive effort and thus is open to people who want to learn our harvesting systems.

Currently, we are operating from multiple locations in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. To serve more consumers looking for naturally ripened honey that they can trust, we’ll very soon establish apiaries in Madhya Pradesh and Aasam.

Decades of experience

To provide the highest quality product at the lowest possible price, the best consumer experience and We promote a holistic and natural approach to farming, gardening and beekeeping.

Your Hive. Our Services

To provide Continous Best Honey to our customers with unique beekeeping and experiences derived from the use of pure and all natural tools, techniques, and ingredients.